February is Black History Month. John Harold Johnson built Johnson Publishing Company, a publishing empire that launched Ebony and Jet magazines. He was born in Arkansas City and inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame in 1993.

Happy Groundhog Day! Do you want 6 more weeks of winter?

February is Black History Month. Maya Angelou is a renowned bestselling author, poet, actor and performer. She lived in Stamps, AR for ten years with her grandmothers. She was inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame in 1993.

In honor of Black History Month, every day in February we'll recognize a great leader in African American history. We'll highlight someone new each morning.

Though school board appreciation month is ending, we're always thankful for the work of our school board members. Your dedication and hard work for our students is evident every day! THANK YOU!

ELA classes at ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL participate in escape room style info-text activities that involve ACT Aspire style questions in the LLC. These questions focus on word choice, supporting evidence, reading comprehension, and summarizing.

Congratulations to PCSSD athletic director, Danny Ebbs, on his selection to be placed into the Arkansas Activities Association Arkansas High School Coaches Association Hall of Fame. What an honor! Congrats, Danny! http://ow.ly/IFMA50y45kT

ICYMI - The ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL football team got their championship rings on Tuesday night. There's nothing like a getting a little "bling" to show off your school pride and accomplishments. Congrats Senators!

Eli Keller has two kids who both attend PCSSD schools. His fiancée, Mary, has 3 kids. When he's not chasing around the kids, Eli volunteers for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Arkansas.

Happy 100 days of school to our students and teachers! Cheers to an awesome school year so far! Schools across PCSSD are participating in fun, unique ways. We'll have pictures from all our schools over on our Facebook page.

CORRECTION- PTO meeting is Wednesday NOT Tuesday. Wednesday at 4:30!

PTO meeting Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 in the RHS library.
Don’t forget tomorrow night our football players will be presented with their State Championship rings during halftime of the boys basketball game. Come support our Senator basketball teams and football team. Games start at 6 with the girls followed by the boys. Make sure to come by the table tomorrow night to place your orders for championship T-shirts and hats!

Coming up this week- Mon. 27th is Spirit Night at Larry’s on Cantrell 5:00-8:00.
Tues 28th come to our basketball games girls start around 6:00 Boys play after girls game. During halftime of the game our football team will be recognized and presented with their State Championship Rings! We invite EVERYONE to come out support our basketball teams and football team. It’s not too late to order championship shirts and hats. There will be a table set up Tuesday night at the game or you can call or come by the high school office.
Attendance is EXTREMELY important. Be on time and in the correct class or you will be counted absent. Students are allowed 6 parent notes per semester. All notes and dr notes must be turned in within 5 days of the absence.

Alicia Gillen, board secretary, has 3 children - Shayla Dixon 22, Nicole Gillen 13, Julia Gillen 12. She also has a dog named Maggie who is 15. In her spare time, she enjoys antiquing, traveling and cooking.

Show your Senator Pride tomorrow! Wear your black and gold for reverse homecoming.

Hey Senators show your school spirit tomorrow for celebrity day- come dressed as your favorite celebrity, book or movie character. Make it fun but follow dress code.

Shelby Thoma and his wife, Leigh, have been married 25 years and 4 children: Simone-24, Nathan-23, Amelia- 20, and Novi-3. His favorite hobby is running and he also enjoys spending time with his youth group.

Come celebrate our State Champion Football Team! Tomorrow at 3:00 in the high school gym. Our new Championship t-shirts will be on sale for $15. All proceeds go towards purchasing championship rings for our team.

Brian Maune and his wife, Jennifer, have been married nearly 14 years. They have 5 kids and another due in May! Brian's hobbies include family travel and outdoors activities like hunting, fishing and camping.

If you would like to send your child to PCSSD, registration is now open for the 2020-2021 school year! All the registration info can be found online at http://ow.ly/430u50xUd8h or by visiting your school's registrar's office.