FUTURE SENATOR BASEBALL New 12 year old USSSA baseball team forming now.  If you’re interested in your ballplayer playing on this new team please contact me if you have any questions. We will have a tryout tomorrow ,Sunday at 2:30pm on the Robinson High baseball field. Chris Kinzler 501-412-3803
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
Today is National Book Lovers Day! Check out the Joe T. Robinson feeder Teacher Librarians' favorite books. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Don’t forget to clean out all of your unwanted items this weekend. Let’s fill up all our blue bins for the Goodwill drive and raise some $$ for RHS. Drop off anytime at the high school Monday or Tuesday
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
Attention high school students - Friday, Nov. 4 is the registration deadline for the Dec. 14 ACT test date. Register now to avoid late fees! http://ow.ly/Dnjh50x54qG
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
ACT test
PCSSD schools held grand re-openings on Tuesday to change the name of our school Media Centers to Library Learning Centers. Check out all the cool pictures of the new looks: http://ow.ly/jMbY50x3awq
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
REMINDER: Week 10 high school football games will be played Thursday and Friday night this week. SYLVAN HILLS, MAUMELLE and ROBINSON will play on Thursday. MILLS will play on Friday.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
November is Child Safety and Protection Month. Did you know more than 200,000 playground-related injuries happen each year in the US? Keep a close eye on children to ensure they are using equipment properly and it is age appropriate.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Playground safety
Time to clean out the clutter and donate all your unwanted items. We will have our annual Goodwill drive at RHS starting NOW! Bring anything and everything you need to get rid of and fill up our blue bins. The bins will be in the hallway by the front office all week. The more you donate the more money it raises for Robinson.
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
JOE T. ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL'S Beta Club inducted 78 new members in grades 9 through 12. Beta Club are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA and earn at least 20 service hours during the school year.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
RHS new Beta club members
REMINDER: Schools are closed Wednesday - Friday for teacher and leadership professional development. See you Monday, Nov. 4!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
BAKER ELEMENTARY held a pep rally to wrap up Red Ribbon Week. Check out the ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL band helping out with Bronco PBIS Chant! https://youtu.be/FjOpvzt-QnU
over 5 years ago, Baker Elementary
Baker Bronco PBIS Chant
11th-12th Students if you signed up for the ASVAB it is tomorrow. Students signed up need to report to the auditorium first thing in the morning.
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
Wrap up homecoming week with a BBQ Bash brought to you by the Robinson Baseball Team before the game tonight. Tickets are $10 and include a full meal (see image). Join us in the cafeteria or pavilion from 5 - 6:30 pm.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
RHS baseball bbq
If you did not turn the chromebook agreement form in yet IT IS PAST DUE! Students with no form will not be allowed to have their chromebook until a form is turned in to the Library. Attention band students, money for chocolates will be collected tomorrow evening during dinner. ALL money is due Monday during advisory. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/events
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
It's homecoming week and the Robinson Baseball Team is hosting a BBQ Bash before the game on Friday. Tickets are $10 and include a full meal (see image). Join us in the cafeteria or pavilion from 5 - 6:30 pm.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
RHS baseball bbq
This week is National School Bus Safety Week. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day and PCSSD schools is committed to providing a safe transportation experience for all students across the district.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
School Bus Safety Week
BAND STUDENTS if you have sold a box of chocolates please turn your money in during band class. Monday, Wednesday or Friday.
over 5 years ago, Anna Carol Parrish
Sophomore Jamil Jackson scored big on Oct.12 at the North Little Rock Wildcat Classic Tournament! He broke to Super Session (Finals) in Congressional Debate, qualifying for the State Tournament later on this year.
over 5 years ago, Joe T. Robinson High
Jamil Jackson Debate winner
**ATTENTION** Phones are down at several PCSSD schools and admin offices. Our IT department is working with Windstream to resolve the issue. You track the outage here: https://downdetector.com/status/windstream/map/
over 5 years ago, PCSSD